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Reiki Therapy

Packages & Bundles

Explore our curated packages and bundles at Holistic Healing Studio, designed to provide you with a comprehensive journey to wellness. Whether you're looking to dive deep into energy healing, cultivate mindfulness through meditation, or embark on a transformative spiritual journey, our packages offer a holistic approach to address your unique needs.



3 Session Reiki Bundle

Invest in your health and well-being today by booking our 3 Session Reiki Bundle. By booking three sessions at once, you not only ensure continuity in your healing journey but also enjoy a discounted rate that reflects our commitment to your holistic wellness. Package includes:


Three 45 minute Reiki Sessions

Initial assessment and personalized treatment plan

$10 off Spiritual Coaching


Reiki + Spiritual Coaching

By aligning your energy centers with Reiki, promoting deep relaxation and releasing energetic blockages you'll get the opportunity to experience compassionate spiritual coaching. You'll explore areas of personal growth, gain clarity on life's challenges, and develop practical strategies for achieving your goals. During the coaching session, we dive deeper into what can be creating the energy blocks within your body. The package comes with a 30 minute Reiki session and a 30 minute Spiritual Coaching session.

Calm Woman
Grand Opening Board


Business Coaching Bundle

Invest in yourself and your business over the next 12 weeks. Experience tailored coaching sessions that will help you deep dive into the inner recesses of your mind to discover the current needs of your business. Partner with an experienced and tenured business coach to transform your business and increase both productivity and profitability.

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